Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bab Zweila

Today was our last real day of Arabic class, because tomorrow is our final and Thursday is our "hafla" (party).

After class we went to Bab Zweila, which is a giant gate which used to be the way to enter Cairo. We had a class discussion about Yacoubian Building inside of a mosque, which was a really cool setting. Afterwards we got to climb the minarets of the mosque and look out over the whole city. It was really cool to be able to see all of the places we had been so far on the trip from such a height. It was also pretty scary.

When we got back, a few of us went out to this little koshary restaurant. Some people doused their koshary in so much hot sauce that they couldn't eat it and had to order more. But overall it was really good and really cheap. After we were completely stuffed, we walked around Zamalek and went into some of the little shops. I put down money to go sandboarding on Thursday, but unfortunately it didn't end up working out. Maybe next time I'm in Egypt.

1. Minaret: This was a really cool experience! It was really windy up there and I was literally clinging to the ledge for dear life.

2. koshary: When we went to Abduh's house for a cooking lesson with his wife Hayem, she taught us how to make koshary. Essentially it's just rice, lentils, pasta, fried onions, chick peas, tomato sauce, and chili powder. Sounds a little weird, but it's really good. And when do you ever get to eat rice and pasta in the same dish??

3. Temp.: Oh, by the way, it was 106 degrees here today. HOT. I thought that the heat here would be drier, but I think it's more humid in the city because of the pollution. Bummer.

1 comment:

  1. I learned about minarets in art history! and that's a great picture of you.
